Wednesday, April 6, 2011

lasagna rolls

This is a good idea for children who are very fussy and won't eat sandwiches.

My daughter is like that, but she loves this simple lasagna roll.

Boil your lasagna noodles, a couple or 4 crisscrossing, in the frying pan full of boiling water.

when the lasagna noodles are cooked, scoop them out of the water and lay them neatly on your clean counter.

Let them cool down so you can handle them.

Fold a slice of ham in half and place the whole slice at the bottom of a lasagna noodle.
( You could also use slices of cheese too )

Start rolling the noodle with your fingers and hold in place with a toothpick.

Put in sandwich baggies and refregerate until you need to pack them for their school lunches.


  1. Hi Rachel,
    If you are out of ham you could also use cheese slices instead of ham. It's just as good.

  2. Thanks for the idea, I'll definately give it a try.
